Friday, May 27, 2011

Carpe Diem

So now it's time to Seize the Day!  I've made it four days in a row walking my 20 minute mile.  I think the part I am having the hardest time with is how exhausted I am after just a simple walk but Kris and Kevin keep insisting it will get easier.  Today I went and picked up the schedule for the pool at Gonzaga and it's only gonna cost $30.00 for the summer as a grad student.  The plan is to next week be in the pool 3 days a week and then still keeping up with the mile walk at least 5 days a week.  Kris advised me to give up all soda, even diet.  This has been hard and honestly drinking a gallon of water a day is like pouring gasoline down my throat on a consistent basis but if it helps me get a transplant than that's what I will do.  No more destructive eating, no more being scared it's time for some serious Carpe Diem!  I encourage you to share with me in this journey, share with me your own hang-up's and your success stories or little tricks you tried to help you along the way.  So let's get to posting my friends.  Speak to me, share with me and pray for me and don't forget to Carpe Diem for yourself!


  1. In thinking about your post tonight, I am reminded of my constant battle with smoking. I have not smoked for over a year. When I started I had envisioned a day when the cravings were no more. I think I had it in my head that they would ease within a couple of months, and that one day cigarettes would lose their appeal completely. I have heard from other 'quitters' that it never truly goes away. I can attest to that so far. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I have not picked up a cigarette and lit it. Frankly, I miss it. So why do I remain a 'quitter'? Aside from the threat of a repeat heart attack. Each time I crave a cigarette... I make a choice. Each time I miss hanging out on the back deck with cup of coffee and a cigarette, I make a choice. I very clearly make a choice. I think of the many reasons I should not smoke, and honestly, they don't make an ounce of difference, because the desire overrides them. I just become aware that I have a choice, and it is mine. No matter what I decide, I decide it. I think as you push through your many obstacles Lori, remember... you have a choice, it is yours. And by the way, having a choice doesn't mean your options are shiney... they just ... are.

  2. Thx Tina, you have always been an inspiration to me. I am truly scared out of my mind and struggling with why any of this is possible or worth it. I feel I have always lived my life for others because maybe living for myself was not a worthy enough cause. Why am I so messed up? I know God loves me and His grace is not only a refuge but a fortress. At the moment though fear of success has me frozen like a deer in the headlamps. Will people love me even if I don't succeed. I desperately need to know this. Wow I sound pretty crazy right about now but needed to share. Don't anyone panic, I will be right as rain again by the morning ...late night confessions are never the best. Goodnight for now and I can't wait to hear from more of you. Thx Tina for being the first...

  3. Feeling better today! Awesome Baccalaureate Mass for Kev's 2011 graduating class was pretty cool. Father Vance even referenced Lord of the Rings so it at least peaked Alex's interest for a little bit. Had a nice lunch with Jim, Christie and the boys at Subway so I could stick to my new eating plan and then once Christie's parents got into town Sara helped me with tons of information re: diabetes. Christie and I finished off the night by watching the series Tudors and chatting late into the night. Can't believe Kevin will actually be graduating tomorrow. It is surreal...goodnight friends for now...
