Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ultimate Tripudium - Ultimate Joy!

Isaiah 3:10 says to "tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds."  I am beginning to find joy in the gym.  Not necessarily in the actual going to and from but in the little accomplishments like making it 10 miles today on the bike or reducing the number of strokes it took me to cross the pool from 28 to 26 or burning 400 calories today on the treadmill.  Of course once I got home and partook of some sustenance I promptly fell asleep for almost two hours but it doesn't negate all that I accomplished this morning and in that I can find Joy!  It was also nice to spend some time in the Word this afternoon refreshing my spirit and once again finding a reason to keep moving literally and figuratively.  I have begun to realize finally after 40 years that my joy does not come from things or other people, rather from a personal knowledge and commitment to my Heavenly Father.  In Ecclesiastes where the author is often thought to be Solomon, he writes that everything God does will endure forever and that nothing can be added to or taken from it (ch 3 vs 14) As I am taking care of this temple that God has given to me and remembering to commune with Him daily I am reminded of the lack of permanence in the things of this world and at the same time the consistency and wealth of my Lord's Love which brings me such Joy.  So tonight I will head up to the gym again so that I can continue to kick this body back into shape and attempt to find some joy in the tortuous speed at which Kris will push me to accomplish running up and down steps or rowing or whatever exercise he has planned and then come home, kiss my young men goodnight and rise to do it all again tomorrow.  Thanks to those of you who are joining me on walks and giving me encouragement it is much needed.  I am so very close to making the 30 lb lost mark and hope to cross that threshold soon so please keep in touch and remember our Ultimate Joy is found in the enduring Love of God and all He has created!  

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tonight was so amazing.  I am part of the most amazing ecumenical group of women and we are reading this book called "The Will of God as a Way of Life." And tonight's chapter was on redemption.  It was so great to hear these women openly sharing about their pasts, heartbreaks, family issues and the like.  And not in a depressing  victimized sense but a healthy way.  Speaking with forgiveness, humility and courage.  It was soothing to my soul and encouraging to my heart.  I also had my longest workout to date.  3 1/2 hrs.  I see the liver specialist next Thursday and so I think I am pretty focused on getting off as much weight as possible so that I can be ready to go to Seattle if that is in the plans of my Heavenly Father.  We had a nice 4th of July celebration with friends from church and Kevin's 18th birthday celebration lasted almost a whole week.  I have been so happy to have both boys home from camp and even more excited that my youngest Alex has decided to begin studies to become a disciple.  God is so amazing how he works because although all three of us have many reasons to be considered victims, God is using our past to share redemption with each other and all whom we choose to share our stories with.  Although I am terminally sick I am blessed with each moment of this journey and so glad that my mind, and heart have been opened to see the blessings all around me.