Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Carpe Aestatem - Seize the Summer!

I bet your wondering what's up with all this Latin...can't seem to help myself as it seems to be around me all the time lately and today I began following Gonzaga on my twitter account and this was one of their tweets, I loved it! Also with the beautiful weather today I couldn't help but to seize onto the ideas of Summer...Oh sigh, the liquid joy streaming through my front window and the sounds of the little sparrows chirping and someone mowing their lawn, all while I lay fatigued on the couch fighting off yet another kidney infection.  God knew I could use the seasonal pick-me-up!  From the bottom of my heart God, Thank You!  It also reminded me of one of my writing responses to the popular song Seasons of Love and so I thought I would share, hope you enjoy...

The Measure of a Woman of Christ
If there are 525,600 minutes in a year than
How do you measure your life as a
Woman of Christ?
Do you measure in hours, feet, miles or love?
 Do you measure in anger, frustration, rage or mercy?
Do you measure in depression, bitterness, guilt or forgiveness?
Do you measure in fear, anxiety, timidity or faith?
Do you measure in pessimism, negativity, denial or hope?
Do you measure in selfishness, loneliness, vanity or  servant-hood?  
Do you carry baggage, extra luggage, burdens or the easy yoke of Christ?

My prayers for each and everyone of you is that you will use your
525,600 minutes this year as Women of Christ to 
Seek Him Constantly, Serve Him Faithfully and Share Him Boldly.
Then you will be a woman who truly
Reflects the Heart of Christ!
P.S. if you are one of my male friends, prof's or brothers you can just put in being a man/brother reflecting the Heart of Christ, kinda like taking a look at the man in the mirror.  Whoever you are reading this know I care about you and want you to know the Love of Christ as I do, so go out and  Carpe Aestatem!

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