Monday, June 6, 2011

sedecim dies of mensis

On this sixth day of the month it was most definitely a Monday.  I had the most difficult time getting motivated and all day long I felt like I was in a battle.  It didn't stop me from exercising but they were lackluster workouts. However I guess the good thing out of all this is I didn't stop even during the last excruciating moments of cycling or when I felt my knee begin to give out on the way home.  Today was probably not my finest hour eating wise as I lazily partook of some left over pizza past my 7:30 P.M. deadline.  But at least all my sugars have been good and I am not giving in to temptation with any kind of consistency.  Kris has been amazing sitting and talking with me as I struggle and pushing me in the most positive ways.  I know that it all comes down to me though and my willingness to continue on this healthy journey.  When you next see me ask me if I have started my goal board yet.  This is next on my list and I have been putting it off.  Not exactly sure why except that by putting actual concrete goals up on a board where others can see it makes it truly real and it comes with expectations other than those in my mind.  And don't forget that Tuesday's and Thursday's are relatively open for walks with others so let's schedule a walking date...

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