As of late I have found myself questioning how one goes about measuring
a life. Do you measure it in feet, good
deeds, worldly success, ones faith or the legacy one leaves behind? Except for the feet part, I have come to the
rationale that it is most probably a combination of all the above and then
some. There are some who might even
contest the very idea of quantifying life but I believe most, like myself,
would like to consider that there is some value to be placed upon our time here
on earth. So then the question remains,
exactly how does one go about measuring a life?
Society has been asking this question since before Socrates and will
probably go on asking this question until the very end of time itself. However for reasons of my own sanity I am going
to attempt to measure my own life as a leader and as conscientious
citizen. Socrates would consider this a
noble effort indeed as he himself claimed that “the unexamined life is not
worth living.” After a brief bit of personal and work history I will attempt to
use the frames of Optimism and Hardiness with which to examine my leadership
and legacy. Therefore, let the measuring
of a life begin.
I have chosen to delete my previous writings and will come back to this topic again soon with some new thoughts :) thx 4 your patience
I have chosen to delete my previous writings and will come back to this topic again soon with some new thoughts :) thx 4 your patience
Eloquent. Humbling. Beautiful. Courageous. Bold.