Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Scriptor Vita- Life Script
So today one of my discoveries is that I have unwittingly been allowing others to write the script for my life and I have also allowed others to direct, narrate and edit my personal narrative. This is not God's design but others. It is not to say that everyone who has been doing this has meant harm or their intent was malignant but some have meant those things and this has caused much damage. As I am now aware of what I have been unintentionally giving away, the biggest crime or shame would be if I were to continue to allow this to happen. Thankfully due to my oldest son, a wonderful counselor and some healthy loving friends I am beginning to write and live my own script. This is kind of scary but it is also exciting and new. I am redefining who I am, who I want to be and who I think God desires for me to be but no longer will I act out what others script for me unless I feel it is in line with mine and God's designs. I have finally realized that what I thought was empathy was driven by my fear of conflict and a deep desire to be perfect and please everyone at the expense of what was right and healthy for me thereby possibly in direct conflict with what God had in mind for me; because I was listening to others rather than my unconditionally loving Father I have unwittingly been living a lie. I want to live out truth, and in so doing bring eternal Glory and Honor to my Savior who died for me and claimed me as His valuable co-heir in the Heavenly Realm. There will be some of you who read this and not truly understand while others of you are nodding your heads and drawing similar conclusions in your own lives. For those of you who don't understand you may not like or appreciate some of the changes you will be witnessing in the next few weeks and months. However for those of you whose eyes have been opened like mine you will welcome me with open arms and we will most likely enjoy writing the rest of our life scripts as we continue as co-authors with our divine creator. I believe this will be a fruitful and more peaceful time for me and I look forward to discovering some new narratives in this journey we call life.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
One Day At A Time
Once again it has been too long since I have made a post.. Right now I am working on my internal character, emotions and spiritual make up. If I must lose weight before I can get on the transplant list then I must work on all of the reasons why the weight is here. My weight is my security blanket and something I have convinced myself is necessary for my survival (as backwards as that seems-in my mind and heart it is true for me). I eat in fear, to feel control, for enjoyment, for fellowship, in rebellion and in anger. I have joined a couple of groups and gotten a counselor in hopes of trying to deal with all these emotions which drive my irrational eating and the fears I cannot seem to get away from as I begin to lose weight. I am attempting to get to the YMCA pool once a week and get in short walks 3 times a week as well as consistently attend these new groups but my sleep is filled w/nightmares and my emotions are highly volatile but I am praying, reading and still putting one foot in front of the other. One day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time...
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
2 Fav quotes from Helen Keller
Thursday, August 22, 2013
superari-to overcome
When your words came, I ate them;
they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
Lord God Almighty.
Jeremiah 15:16
So when I think of folks who inspire me as over-comers two women immediately come to mind Verlinda Washburn and Chris Biggerstaff! Since my very first meeting with these women when I was studying God's word just under 7 years ago now they have been a source of inspiration to me and for everyone they come into contact with. They emulate Christ in words, deeds and Christ's love shines out when they smile. They make you laugh, sometimes uncontrollably. They remain calm in the stormiest of seas and always seem to have wise words laced with discernment, empathy and kindness that reach to your very soul. Through the Single Mom's Ministry at church I have been honored to work along side these two tireless servants. I have spent many hours with Chris by my side at the hospital where she kept the nursing staff in stitches and have probably drank more coffee and enjoyed more meals with Verlinda and Chris than with any other women I have had the great pleasure of calling friend. We have also shared tears while sharing our past with one another, prayed many times for ourselves, each other and so many others. We have served together for Women's Ministry functions, City Gate and Teen Camp Sign Ups but we all three had a heart for our Single Mom's Ministry. We cried, helped, taught, laughed with and prayed with some pretty amazing women who all were over-comers in their own right. I will never be able to thank God enough for honoring me in such a way as to have these two women be able to come up alongside me and walk such an amazing journey.
Right now our dear Friend and Sister in Christ Chris seems to be struggling physically with the effects of cancer and yet she is still considering others before herself. Her oldest Bryce is getting married this weekend and she has made it clear that no matter what is going on with her she desires for her son to keep all his plans- what an awesome example of motherhood and unconditional love. Her love for both her sons is apparent in every turn of her head, every sparkling smile she bestows upon them and every hug shared. It has also been an inspiration to watch the care her sons John and Bryce have given to their mom throughout this past year. They are by here side through it all and it is a beautiful example of love. This morning as I was looking for some inspiration I found Mandissa's newest song Overcomer and I will post the link below and I encourage you all to listen to it as it was truly encouraging and helped me to reminisce joyfully with my friends Verlinda and Chris this morning. Let's all be Over-Comers!
they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
Lord God Almighty.
Jeremiah 15:16
So when I think of folks who inspire me as over-comers two women immediately come to mind Verlinda Washburn and Chris Biggerstaff! Since my very first meeting with these women when I was studying God's word just under 7 years ago now they have been a source of inspiration to me and for everyone they come into contact with. They emulate Christ in words, deeds and Christ's love shines out when they smile. They make you laugh, sometimes uncontrollably. They remain calm in the stormiest of seas and always seem to have wise words laced with discernment, empathy and kindness that reach to your very soul. Through the Single Mom's Ministry at church I have been honored to work along side these two tireless servants. I have spent many hours with Chris by my side at the hospital where she kept the nursing staff in stitches and have probably drank more coffee and enjoyed more meals with Verlinda and Chris than with any other women I have had the great pleasure of calling friend. We have also shared tears while sharing our past with one another, prayed many times for ourselves, each other and so many others. We have served together for Women's Ministry functions, City Gate and Teen Camp Sign Ups but we all three had a heart for our Single Mom's Ministry. We cried, helped, taught, laughed with and prayed with some pretty amazing women who all were over-comers in their own right. I will never be able to thank God enough for honoring me in such a way as to have these two women be able to come up alongside me and walk such an amazing journey.
Right now our dear Friend and Sister in Christ Chris seems to be struggling physically with the effects of cancer and yet she is still considering others before herself. Her oldest Bryce is getting married this weekend and she has made it clear that no matter what is going on with her she desires for her son to keep all his plans- what an awesome example of motherhood and unconditional love. Her love for both her sons is apparent in every turn of her head, every sparkling smile she bestows upon them and every hug shared. It has also been an inspiration to watch the care her sons John and Bryce have given to their mom throughout this past year. They are by here side through it all and it is a beautiful example of love. This morning as I was looking for some inspiration I found Mandissa's newest song Overcomer and I will post the link below and I encourage you all to listen to it as it was truly encouraging and helped me to reminisce joyfully with my friends Verlinda and Chris this morning. Let's all be Over-Comers!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Honorare Omnes Servitio
If your Latin is rusty the title is translated Honor All Service and that is what I got to do today at the 20th Annual Women Veteran Recognition Day! And truly what an honor for me it was. To be surrounded by a room full of such courageous pioneering women. As my caregiver and previous Lance Corporal in the Marine Corp, Samantha Means was my ticket to this illustrious event and I was truly grateful. Yes I do come from a long line of military history within my own family and my own son is currently a Marine serving in Okinawa but none of that would have enabled me to participate in this distinguished event for women veterans. So thank you Samantha :) There were 4 main speakers: Chief Master Sergeant Wendi A Hansen of the Three Command Chief; 92 Air Refueling Wing, Samantha Means Marine Veteran and Sam-I-Am Okinawan Radio DJ and Author of A Winter Storm, Major Dawn Gray of Spokane Veteran Administration Medical Center and Suzanne Williams Director of Social Work, Horizon Hospice and Vietnam Combat Nurse. Each one had some valuable lessons and stories to share and I just want to give you a sampling and in my opinion these nuggets of information transcend to us all whether we are veterans, victims of any kind and simply by their very nature to all women. We need to look at the positives and negatives of all that is thrown at us and then figure out how to move forward in quiet professionalism and by being an example of someone who lives out what they believe. No matter what your job you can give someone else a reason to smile. And sometimes our jobs/careers can take us to places we never thought possible and touch the lives of others we have never met but only if we are willing to fight for what we believe and overcome insurmountable odds. Remember to laugh. Reconnect with the folks within your community whether it's other veterans, old classmates, other victims or women because those are your people and they get you. Stop blaming yourself for things you never asked or signed up for. When you choose to serve in any capacity You Rock! We need to remember to honor all service. I can't say thank you enough to all these beautiful women who let me hang out with them today. Your stories, your hurts, your service will be forever remembered by me and many others for generations to come.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Daily Miracles
So I have some amazing friends/angels around me who are so encouraging...they have been lifting me up physically, mentally and emotionally for some time now and for them and my sons and the Amazing God who is the most steadfast love of my life I am trying with all my heart to hang on despite some of the physical and emotional battles as of if you are up for it I could use those continued prayers and encouragement that you have all been so great at unconditionally given me in the past...I am physically getting weaker and it is playing a number in my head and heart and I still have so much to do yet so please pray I can stay focused on my writing, my love for my sons, little David James (my grandson) and doing a better job of living within these new physical limitations my disease is encumbering me with...Also as I am having more and more physical needs I will need to call on many of you even more, please Know that Samantha Means is my central caregiver but as my needs grow she cannot do it alone and I will need some of you to step up...feel free to call Sam or myself if you are interested in helping in any way and thank you for letting me get vulnerable and open with you. This is no easy thing I post today...but I love you all and want to continue to be as active as possible while bringing God Glory in all I do and say and that will require me to be humble and ask for help...
Thanks for listening and caring as many of you do and Please have a blessed rest of your Sunday
Thanks for listening and caring as many of you do and Please have a blessed rest of your Sunday
Thursday, June 27, 2013
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for
all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are
all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-29)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things
there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by
the Spirit. (Galatians
5:22-25 ESV)
For everything there is a season, and a time for every
matter under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV)
So with all these Supreme Court Rulings, the issue with
Paula Dean and some of the many injustices we see our Marines and many in the military
having to face on a daily basis; I was reminded of a paper I once wrote back in
undergrad school. We were evaluating the differences between Dred Scott and
John Brown both who have been historically linked as cogs in the great wheels
of the Civil War. Please bear with me as I share with you my last paragraph of
that paper and I hope and pray it will help you with some thought provoking
ideas of just how we might respond even to the injustices of today’s society.
For those who respond
to those injustices I applaud them for their courage, but caution all of us to
make sure we are living within the laws that surround us and to remember that
there are always consequences for all of our actions. There is also that eternal
judgment that we will have to stand and face one day that should not be ignored
through our passions, even those that are on the side of justice. The case of
Dred Scott and the death of John Brown both helped hasten the Civil War and
further polarized the differences between Northerners and Southerners (today
between racists and bigots or between gays and heterosexuals between men and
women, military and civilians etc…). I
truly enjoyed a quote that I read from Frederick Douglas “my hopes were never
brighter than now,” this was after hearing the decision not in his favor from the Supreme Court
regarding the Dred Scott case. For Douglas the decision would bring slavery to
the attention of the nation and was a step toward slavery’s ultimate
destruction. As my great grandmother would say “that’s looking at the glass
half full,” this is definitely how I try to look at all things. I think it is
clear that John Brown’s tenacity unto death and Dred Scott’s persistence unto
so called defeat were for many an eye opener to the true depths of the problems
facing our fledgling nation. The problem of slavery had to be dealt with or we
could never move on as a united nation. As I stated earlier I don’t know that I
could sit in judgment of either John Brown or Dred Scott, but I can say that I
personally would choose the path of least resistance and least violence. I
think it is clear that Dred Scott was able to accomplish getting people’s
attention regarding slavery just as John Brown was but I think I prefer Scott’s
passive resistance over Brown’s violence. (As for today I want us to stop
firing folks for having a difference of opinion or using language which we
might find offensive, I don’t want bombings of abortion clinics, West-borough
Church members picketing and rioting outside military funerals and the Supreme
Court may hand down judgments which I don’t agree with but my plan will be to
make calls to senators, write letters to congress members, vote and never be
shy to share my opinion while doing my best to not be judgmental of my friends
and neighbors in the process…mostly because this is what I believe God wants us
to do as His followers and healthy members of society). Thanks for letting me
babble on, I hope it encouraged you or inspired you to think.
Father in Heaven
in today’s complex society it is so easy to get derailed and lost. Tonight we
ask for your guidance and direction in all of our thoughts, words and deeds.
Please help us despite our circumstances to keep a cool head and be ever
mindful of Your higher purposes. Please give us Your peace which passes all of
our own understanding and bring us comfort in our grief’s, illness and our
often broken spirits. Thank You for the compassion and mercies of Your Holy
Spirit and help us to remember that our actions are and should be a reflection
of the heart of Christ. Thank You for Your Son’s Awesome example of Sacrifice
and Devotion and may we always look to Your Living Word for Unconditional Love
and All Encompassing Assistance.
In Jesus Holy &
Precious Name We Pray all these things…AMEN!
Monday, June 24, 2013
fidei simplicitatem
The simplicity of faith is resting in the idea that God loves us unconditionally no matter what frame of mind, what level of sin we are drowning in. No matter whether our hearts are filled to overflowing or broken beyond earthly repair. Whether our biologically given families are functional or dysfunctional. Whether we attend every church function or we choose to visit a friend in need. Whether we are filled with healthy vigor or struggling with physical disabilities and boundaries not of our choosing. God wants to comfort us and embrace us with an unconditional peace which passes all of our own ability to comprehend. That is the simplicity and complexity of Faith.
There is nothing we can do to earn this unconditional love because by the very very definition that would alter this most simple yet multifaceted kind of love. We can rant, vent, cry, praise and worship; this love, this relationship will never be too burdened, too overwhelmed or unable to handle what we bring to the foot of the Cross. I personally have never never know or experienced such love, which is part of what makes this relationship so special, Thank You God for Your patience, sincerity, kindness and most especially for Your Holy Spirit this morning. I needed rest, comfort and love. You, Father always give more than I even knew I need. Love Your Daughter- Lori Leigh
Thank You for taking the time to follow my story friends and family and thank you for caring enough to invest your time and love for this Sister in Christ...May You all have a Blessed Monday and a spectacularly Blessed Week...I hope to be doing some more blogging and writing so please check in often and we can grow and learn together...God Bless
There is nothing we can do to earn this unconditional love because by the very very definition that would alter this most simple yet multifaceted kind of love. We can rant, vent, cry, praise and worship; this love, this relationship will never be too burdened, too overwhelmed or unable to handle what we bring to the foot of the Cross. I personally have never never know or experienced such love, which is part of what makes this relationship so special, Thank You God for Your patience, sincerity, kindness and most especially for Your Holy Spirit this morning. I needed rest, comfort and love. You, Father always give more than I even knew I need. Love Your Daughter- Lori Leigh
Thank You for taking the time to follow my story friends and family and thank you for caring enough to invest your time and love for this Sister in Christ...May You all have a Blessed Monday and a spectacularly Blessed Week...I hope to be doing some more blogging and writing so please check in often and we can grow and learn together...God Bless
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
OK so little update: saw the endocrinologist today and if we can get it approved she wants to have a CGM (constant glucose monitor) put on to track my levels every 5 mins so pray the state med will approve...she is also going to consult w/liver specialist to see if we should/can do some tests linking my blood sugar drops to problems w/the liver...have had a recent ultrasound which is finally beginning to show signs of a worsening liver with regards to it's enlarged size and newly yellowing color...YUCK! oh and for a bit I am back to monitoring my blood sugars b4 & after every meal...UGH! and on Monday I will head to Sacred Heart for upper & lower GI and Colonoscopy...OH YEAH! so let's pray the doc see's what he needs and we get some more answers and the State finally called and it looks like we are getting closer to getting Samantha Means approved as my new care giver so keep those prayers coming and thanks for caring and following my story <3
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
New Caregiver's Perspective
following is a letter that my new Caregiver Samantha Means put together to help me describe some of my health issues and needs, thank you for taking the time to read it and be concerned for me as your friend and Sister in Christ...I'm also going to post it on my FB page Awareness 4YSIC because I believe it is a truly considerate and appropriately helpful letter for any and all who are concerned about my health situation...
As Lori’s caregiver, soon to be recognized by the State, I’ve done extensive research to fully understand what Lori’s body is going through to better take care of her when the time calls for it. I believe it’s very important for others close to Lori to also understand what is happening to her liver and the affects it has on her mind and the rest of her body. Please feel free to share this information with anyone else you believe might benefit from it.
She has what’s called non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, also known as chronic liver disease, or fatty liver disease. This is a chronic illness, meaning it’s ongoing and incurable (except in the long-term form of a liver transplant). Chronic liver disease is the continual scarring of the liver until it is no longer able to function. The liver’s primary purpose is to process all of the nutrients and toxins that go into the body. This isn’t just food, it includes lotions we put on our skin, products we put into our hair, and the chemicals used to clean our homes that we inevitably inhale and get on our hands.
Cirrhosis of the liver means the liver is turning into scar tissue and, over time, this makes it difficult, eventually impossible, for the liver to process any of the nutrients and toxins it’s supposed to process in order for the body, as a whole, to function. It is this condition that gave her Type 2 Diabetes.
The liver has what’s called a portal vein, which transfers 75% of the blood, nutrients and toxins to the liver for it to process. As the liver turns to scar tissue, the portal vein suffers. Toxins and blood back up in the portal vein, much like a kinked hose. Eventually, these toxins and the blood have to go somewhere. As Lori’s condition progresses, it will lead to hemorrhaging, or internal bleeding. In her current stage of cirrhosis, toxins flood her blood stream, which causes severe damage to her other organs, such as her kidneys, bladder, stomach and colon, or intestines. This would explain the continual problems Lori has had with kidney infections, being in and out of the hospital with UTI’s (urinary tract infections), and her more recent development of gastroparesis.
Gastroparesis is a condition in which the muscles in her stomach don’t function properly. It prevents her stomach from emptying correctly and interferes with digestion, causing nausea, vomiting and many problems with blood sugar levels (visit for more information). In the previous six weeks since agreeing to take care of Lori, it has been common for her blood sugars to be at 110, which are good, and drop to 56 in less than 30 minutes. If Lori’s blood sugars drop into the 30s, her body has a very high chance of going into a coma. Just this previous Sunday (June 2nd), Lori had three episodes of dropping to the low 40s in less than 18 hours. I’ve monitored her eating habits and she has a strict diet that I help her maintain. The fluctuations are due to the gastroparesis, caused by her chronic liver disease. Apart from treating the symptoms, there is no cure for gastroparesis. It isn’t like an infection and needs a simple antibiotic. Unfortunately, her body has not been willing to cooperate very effectively with the medications.
In addition to this, toxins unable to be processed by her liver that spread to her abdominal organs also spread to her brain. It leads to dizzy spells, confusion, double vision, disorientation and the like. This is the primary reason Lori cannot drive a vehicle. It would be like handing keys to someone who is chronically intoxicated. There are times during the day Lori is doing well, but there are also days, sometimes several days in a row, where it’s difficult for her to cross a room without grabbing hold of something for balance. This imbalance leads to very dangerous falls. The last one caused her to shatter her left wrist, which now has a plate and eight screws in it. One of the symptoms of chronic liver disease is osteoporosis. She is prone to easy breaks, hence her wrist. Because of this, the safest form of exercise is for Lori to be in a pool. She cannot go on long walks because she lacks the energy, and also because of the likelihood she could fall and have another bad break. It’s very important for Lori to be able to be active, because in order for her to be eligible for a liver transplant when the time comes for it, she needs to be at a certain weight, which is where the pool comes in. Any other form of activity, with her imbalance, is simply too dangerous.
One sobering aspect of this condition is that in a matter of 48 hours, at any time, Lori can go from seeming perfectly healthy to hemorrhaging or go into a coma due to the cirrhosis. This is the point where she’ll need a liver transplant. There is no way to tell when this time will come. It could be next year, five years from now, or as soon as tomorrow. Each drop of her blood sugars, each trip to the hospital, and every time she’s spends a few days sick in bed could mean that time has arrived.
This is a lot of information to process. I encourage you, as part of Lori’s small group, to do some research on your own about what is happening to Lori’s body in order to better understand what it is she’s going through. We’re called to uphold the weak and be patient with all (1 Thessalonians 5:14), bear with one another (Colossians 3:13), comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), have compassion on one another (1 Peter 3:8), to not grumble against one another (James 5:9) and, above all, to love one another (1 John 3:11). Lori can manage her symptoms to a point, but what’s happening to her body is essentially beyond her control.
While I am Lori’s official caregiver, she needs assistance 24/7 and I am not capable of doing that all on my own. When her sugars drop at 2am and she’s unable to get out of bed to get the food she needs to get her sugars back up, I’m awake with her doing it for her. This is not enabling, it’s helping someone who can’t help themselves, much like the Samaritan who helped the man beaten on the side of the road. The same goes for when Lori needs a ride to small group, when she needs someone to sit with her at the hospital and write down what the doctors say because she can’t focus on his words, when she needs help picking up her son Alex from the bus station, or dropping him off when she gets to see him once every six weeks, or when she needs someone to help her pick up David from the Carlson’s house so she can have her one day out of the month with her grandson. This is not enabling her. This is helping a woman who is otherwise unable to do things on her own. If she can’t find someone to help, she doesn’t get the help she needs, or she doesn’t get time with the people that matter most to her – her children and grandchild.
It’s very important to remember that Lori must get worse before she gets better. This disease will eventually kill Lori if she doesn’t get a liver transplant. As time passes, the condition of her body worsens, and she needs more help. Sometimes she’s unable to do the things she originally planned to do because her body won’t let her. If Lori pushes herself too hard, she can wind up spending a week in bed while her body attempts to get back to what’s considered “normal” with her condition. She tends to push herself too hard when she can’t get the help she needs from others, and will try to do it herself. She’s learning to have me as a caregiver, but this is very difficult for a woman used to caring for others and being able to do everything on her own. Please understand that when she asks for help, she’d rather not ask at all and do it on her own. If she asks for help, it’s because she genuinely needs it.
I hope this letter clarifies what is going on with our sister, and that you find it in your heart to be understanding. If you want to learn more about this condition, has a lot of useful links and more in-depth information. If you have any questions, please ask Lori or myself and we’ll be more than happy to answer them and clear up any confusion.
Your sister in Christ,
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