Sunday, March 18, 2012

Desire for Discussion

So recently I found this series on Netflix called Three Rivers.  I implore you to watch it so you can get a better understanding of the whole process that goes along with Transplants.  Of course it is a bit sensationalized for TV Drama sake but there are some really great topics addressed and some pretty tough subjects challenged.  So episode 7 really got me to thinking and I am hoping some of you will join in a discussion with me.  The character Jeff has ALS Lou Gherric's Disease and his quality of life has been severely hindered so he decides he wants to come off the ventilator  and donate all of his organs.  Should this be allowed, how ethical is it and who should be the judge of if this is right or wrong.  This was Jeff's choice and it made sense to him.  If death always wins, it's only a matter of when and how, quality of life is vastly important.  Some of us want to have the best death that we can possibly have and we want to be at peace.  Jeff's death would serve the greater good, 7 lives would be saved by his death.   There was another young man who needed a second heart transplant and although his parents wanted him to continue to fight he wanted to let nature take it's course.  He ended up getting a second transplant but his body immediately rejected the new heart and he died in surgery. Another young man named Kual from Africa keeps getting denied and then moves a step closer then two steps back and then back to square one and just like me he has no insurance.  His temperament is amazingly positive throughout but his story always makes me cry.  So I am asking you to share your thoughts and encourage you to watch the series and join in a dialogue with me about some of these deep theological issues.  Have a great week and see many of you on Wednesday!  

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